Saturday, 7 September 2013

Else and Rosa

Today was 'Social Saturday' and we spent lunch with Kitty, Liss and Maia then to Jaron and Charlotte's for dinner.

Maia and Else had a great afternoon largely tormenting Oscar the dog and pretending to drive Liss's car. Pass the baby sharkies (which incidentally they have, in hot pink, in the toy box at the New Plymouth Library).

Rosa and Else played really well together again. Check out these little monkeys in the bath.

At least Rosa is looking at the camera...

Nice one Rosey...

It was really nice for Joel and I to catch up with our friends, eat some food and drink some wine. We are lucky that our friends are such great hosts.

I keep forgetting to mention Olive! Olive was great. She really is such a good baby. I finally collected myself enough to have some decent snacks/meals packed for her when we were out (I bought a small fishing tackle box and I can't tell you how satisfying it is to fill each compartment with little bits) so today she ate more than her usual bit of bread, cold sausage and baked beans (poor child!). She had egg (her new favourite food) and lamb and pork and roast veggies and nice yoghurt (not the nasty 'pink' stuff we've been buying for Elsie either). She smiled and burbled and crawled around and pulled herself up all day. She slept in the car when she should then she went to bed at Jaron and Charlotte's for...12 hours. Yes she slept through. Hurrah. Although I now know better than to think this is some sort of turning point. I know that this will merely be a (welcome) blip most likely due to her being exhausted from last weeks nighttime shenanigans and that she most likely only slept through in order to garner sufficient energy for her next episode of sleepus interruptus majorus.

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